Reasons to be Roman Catholic

Among Christians we are Catholics, but not all Christians are Catholics, Orthodox and Protestants are also Christians, but they are not Catholics.

Catholics affirm that the Roman Catholic Church is the only true church because it is the only one that Christ founded, other churches were founded by human beings.

The Orthodox Church separated from the Catholic Church because of human and political reasons, due to the bishop of Constantinople said that the bishops did not have to submit to the authority of the Bishop of Rome, but him, because basically he said that Rome was a lost city and Constantinople was the New Rome, but the Catholic Church still belonged to Christ and Bishop of Rome continued to have the authority which Christ gave him. Later, the Orthodox Church has been divided mainly by countries (Russian Orthodox Church, Romanian O. C., Greek O. C....), because the bishops of these churches affirmed they did not have to submit to the obedience of Constantinople Bishop.

Protestants did not exist until 1517, when martin luther separated from the Catholic Church founding a new one saying that the Catholic Church should be reformed and was not reformed, although he was right that the Catholic Church should be reformed, he was not in the manner he believed, because he proposed to modify some features that were correct and therefore, Catholic Church must not change them. Then, the new church has been divided until now in thousands of independent churches mainly because its members were not agree with each other with doctrine, beliefs and biblical interpretations that had.

Lutherans were founded by martin luther in Germany in 1517, anglicans by henry viii in 1534, presbiterians by john knox in Scotland in 1560, baptists by john smith in the Netherlands in 1605, mormons by joseph smith in 1830, Jehovah witnesses by charles russell in the USA in 1879, manalo church by félix manalo in the Philippines in 1914..., Catholic Church was founded by Jesus of Nazareth in the Holy Land for the year 33, all protestant churches were founded by human beings 15 centuries later.

Our Church is known for being loyal to the Pope, obeying in everything he says, because he is the successor of St. Peter and Christ founded his Church upon him saying to him: "Thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven". (Mt. 16:18-19). That rock refers to Peter, due to comes from Greek "Petros", which means "stone", and Jesus called the apostle stone in Aramaic, which was the language they used to spoke. Jesus gave authority to Peter to lead his church when he leave holding his doctrine and Peter, like Christ, also he would leave, so a successor is chosen to continue to lead the Church called Pope, that is why Catholics must be faithful to the Pope. Anyway, Church belongs to Christ, not the Pope, and the Pope should lead it according to the doctrine and the authority which Christ gave.

To be Catholic, you have to be a good Catholic, and for it to be Saint, so see also: Reasons to be Saint.


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