Reasons to believe in the existence of God

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Believers affirm that God exists mainly arguing that the universe was created by a supreme being while atheists deny it arguing that the universe was not created, it has always existed or it was created by chance.

The universe can not be eternal, it must have a beginning, because it is scientifically proven by several evidence like there are still hydrogen atoms that combine to form helium atoms and not separate again, so if the universe was eternal, there would not be hydrogen atoms.

Then, saying that the universe was created only, as a result of chance, it is ridiculous, it makes to laugh, it's like saying that a machine such as a mobile phone or a camera have been created by chance. Where there is order, where there is a technique, there must be an intelligence behind; for example, when you see a sculpture that impresses you, you deduce that it has made by a very good sculptor, not by erosion, or when you read a book that you like, you deduce that it has been written by a very good writer, not by a monkey with a typewriter. And the same happens for some machines, which they have been based on elements of nature, for example, photographic or video cameras have been based on human eyes, or submarines, which have been based on fish, but eyes, fish and the other elements of nature had already existed for millions of years that mankind have not been able to copy them to perfection. Moreover, this universe, so huge, it works according to physicochemical laws, like Newton or Kepler ones, which let to find out what happens in some cases, for example, calculating accurately the position of the stars, which some of them are potentially huge that the Earth, for example the Sun, which is 1.3 million times the size of Earth, or the Antares star, 115 million times the size of the Sun.

Therefore the universe had to be created by someone very intelligent and very powerful.

See also: Reasons to be Christian.


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